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Styles Settings For Emails

Here all styles settings are explained in detail.

Anni Wild avatar
Written by Anni Wild
Updated over a week ago

The Styles menu allows you to implement your corporate identity in the editor. The Styles menu offers you numerous options to create emails according to your wishes or design specifications.

The following descriptions will help you understand the individual styles settings. To find out how exactly to edit the styles, read this article.

How to find the Styles' Menu:

The styles are arranged in the following categories:


You can add borderlines for sections, containers, and grids. In the respective component settings, you can select the border type under “Border” and define to which pages the borderline should be added. There are five border types in total, which you can design differently in the Styles menu.

Border: Color

Select a color for the respective border type.

Border: Style

Choose the style of the frames. You can select between solid (solid line), dashed (dashed line), dotted (dotted line) and double (double line).

Border: Width

Define the thickness of the frame line, preferably in the form of a pixel specification.


The Styles menu offers numerous options to design buttons according to your wishes and ideas. There are a total of six button types that you can design in the Styles menu. When creating a newsletter, you can then choose which type you want to use in the button's component settings.

Button: Background Color

Select a button color or background color for the respective button type. If you are not satisfied with the colors displayed in the drop-down menu, you can freely select six colors and several shades of gray under Colors.

Button: Border Color

A button can have a borderline and in this field you define the color of the border. If you want a button without a border, click on the small cross in the input field to delete the selected color.

Button: Border Radius

Specify the thickness of the rounded corners. For pointed edges, specify 0px. For a round button, specify a maximum of 25px.

Button: Border Width

Here, you define the thickness of the frame line in the form of a pixel specification.

Button: Font Family

Choose a font for the text in the button.

Button: Font Size

Set the size of the font for the text in the button.

Button: Font Weight

Specify the width of the font. Choose between bold, normal and thin or use the following numbers: 100 (thin), 200, 300, 400 (normal), 500, 600, 700 (bold), 800, 900

Button: Height

Choose the height for your button. Specify a pixel size.

Button: Letter Spacing

Define the spacing between the individual letters of the text in the button.

Button: (Mobile) Width

Specify a separate width of the button for the mobile view. Specify a pixel value here.

Button: Left / Right Spacing

Set a horizontal spacing around the text in this field.


Define a total of six colors, plus a black, white, and gray tone. You can enter a HEX color code or use the color picker to choose a color or enter the RGB values.

Default Settings

In the Default Settings you can determine the content width of your newsletters.

Background Image

You can choose an image from the Media Library that will be displayed over the entire background of the email.

Background Repeat

If the background image is too small, you can choose whether the image should be displayed multiple times. The image can repeat horizontally (repeat-x) or vertically (repeat-y). You can also specify that the image is displayed only once (no-repeat).

Background Repeat (Mobile)

To what extent the background image repeats, you can set separately for the mobile view.

Background Color

Define a background color that will be displayed throughout the newsletter.

Background Color (mobile)

For mobile view, select a background color that will be displayed over the entire email.

Text Color

Select a font color for the default texts.

Font Family

Give the default texts their own font.

Content Width

The Content Width describes the area in which all content is placed. You can define the width of this area. Your changes will be saved in the Section component. We recommend about 600-650px.

Content Width Small

In addition to the classic Section component, which refers to the Content Width, there is also the “Section Small Width” component. You can choose the width of the component here.

Content Width Large

The Content Width Large refers to the width of the Section Large Width component. When you use this component, all content is placed at this width.

Font Size

Determine a font size for the default texts.

Line Height

Determine the line height for the default texts.

List Images

With the component “List with Image Bullets” you can display bullet lists, which use an image of your choice as bullet points.

Spacing Bottom

Add a spacing between the individual list items. The spacing is placed below the respective item.

Spacing Between

Choose a distance between the bullet point and the text next to it.

Image Height

You can add a small image as a bullet point. You can adjust the height of the images here.

Image Width

You can define the width of the image that serves as a bullet point here.


You can dynamically include products in your email campaigns. The product components can be styled here.

Description: Text Color

Choose a text color for the product description.

Description: Custom Font Family

For the text of the product description, you can choose a custom font. The Custom Font Family must first be stored in the upper bar under "Fonts".

Description: Font Family

Choose a font for the product description text. You can use system fonts here.

Description: Font Weight

Define the thickness of the font that is in the product description.

Description: Letter Spacing

A spacing of the individual letters within the text of the product description can be set here.

Large/2 Column: Description Font Size

Choose the font size of the product description. This change applies to the "Product Box Large" and "Product Box 2 Column" components.

Large/2 Column: Description Line Height

Define a line spacing for the text in the product description. This change applies to the "Product Box Large" and "Product Box 2 Column" components.

Large/2 Column: Price Font Size

Specify a font size for the price. This change applies to the "Product Box Large" and "Product Box 2 Column" components.

Large/2 Column: Price Line Height

Gebe einen Zeilenabstand für den Preis an. Diese Änderung bezieht sich auf die Komponenten "Product Box Large" und "Product Box 2 Column".

Large/2 Column: Retail Font Size

As soon as a product gets a sale price, the normal price is crossed out and displayed smaller. You can determine the font size of the full price here. This change applies to the components "Product Box Large" and "Product Box 2 Column". You can find further adjustments to the retail price by entering "Retail" in the search line.

Large/2 Column: Retail Line Height

As soon as a product gets a sale price, the normal price is crossed out and displayed smaller. You can determine the line spacing of the full price here. This change applies to the components "Product Box Large" and "Product Box 2 Column".

Large/2 Column: Spacing Bottom

Below the product box you can set a spacing. This change applies to the components "Product Box Large" and "Product Box 2 Column".

Large/2 Column: Spacing Description Bottom

A spacing can be set below the product description. This change applies to the components "Product Box Large" and "Product Box 2 Column".

Large/2 Column: Spacing Image Bottom

You can add a space between the product image and the product title and define it here. This change applies to the components "Product Box Large" and "Product Box 2 Column".

Large/2 Column: Spacing Price Bottom

Below the price you can set a spacing and define it here. This change applies to the components "Product Box Large" and "Product Box 2 Column".

Large/2 Column: Spacing Title Bottom

You can add a space under the product title. This change applies to the components "Product Box Large" and "Product Box 2 Column".

Large/2 Column: Spacing Top

Spacing can be added above the entire product box. This change applies to the components "Product Box Large" and "Product Box 2 Column".

Large/2 Column: Title Font Size

Specify a font size for the title of the product. This change applies to the components "Product Box Large" and "Product Box 2 Column".

Large/2 Column: Title Line Height

Define a line spacing for the title of the product. This change applies to the components "Product Box Large" and "Product Box 2 Column".

Medium: Description Font Size

Select a font size for the product description. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Description Number of Lines

Specify how many lines the product description should take up. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Description Line Height

A line spacing can be specified for the product description. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Image Height

The height of the product image can be determined here. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Price Font Size

Specify a font size for the price. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Retail Font Size

As soon as a product is listed as a sale item, the full price is displayed crossed out next to the sale price. A new font size can now be defined here. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Retail Line Height

Choose a line spacing for the full price. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Spacing Bottom

A lower spacing can be set for the entire product box. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Spacing Description Bottom

A lower spacing can be set below the product description. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Spacing Image Bottom

A space can be defined between the image and the product title. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Spacing Price Bottom

You can add a space below the price. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Spacing Title Bottom

A space can be defined between the product name and the description. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Spacing Top

Above the product box a spacing can be defined. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Title Font Size

Set a font size for the product name. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Title Number of Lines

Specify how many lines the product name should take up. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Medium: Title Line Height

Define the row height of the product name. This change applies to the Product Box for 2 Column Grid component.

Price: Text Color

You can choose a font color for the price. This change applies to all product components.

Price: Custom Family

If you have stored a custom font, you can also use this font for the price. This change applies to all product components.

Price: Font Family

Select a font for the price. This change applies to all product components.

Price: Font Weight

Set a Font Weight for the price. The higher the value, the stronger/wider the font. This change applies to all product components.

Price: Letter Spacing

A distance between the individual characters can be determined. This change applies to all product components.

Retail: Text Color

The retail price denotes the full price once an item is listed as a sale. A color can be selected for the full price, such as red. This change applies to all product components.

Retail: Custom Family

Select a custom font for the retail or full price. This change applies to all product components. You must first store the custom font family in the top bar under "Fonts".

Retail: Font Family

Select a system font for the retail or full price. This change applies to all product components.

Retail: Font Weight

Specify a font weight for the full price that appears when an item is marked as Sale. This change applies to all product components.

Retail: Line Height

Specify a line spacing for the full price that appears when an item is marked as Sale. This change applies to all product components.

Retail: Text Decoration

The price can be displayed crossed out. You can also add a line above or below the price. This change applies to all product components.

Small: Description Font Size

Set the font size for the product description. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Small: Description Number of Lines

Select how many lines the product description should take up. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Small: Description Line Height

Specify a line spacing for the text in the product description. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Small: Image Height

You can set the height or size of the product image here. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Small: Price Font Size

You specify the font size of the price here. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Small: Price Line Height

Specify a line spacing for the price. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Small: Retail Font Size

As soon as a product gets a sale price, the normal price is crossed out and displayed smaller. Set the size of the full price here. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Small: Retail Line Height

For the full price you can choose a separate line spacing. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Small: Spacing Bottom

Below the product field of the component "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" a spacing can be set.

Small: Spacing Description Bottom

Set a spacing below the product description. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Small: Spacing Image Bottom

Add a space below the product image. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Small: Spacing Price Bottom

Below the price you can set a spacing. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Small: Spacing Title Bottom

Here you define a space between the title and the product description. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Small: Spacing Top

Above the product field of the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component, a spacing can be set.

Small: Title Font Size

You can specify a font size for the product name here. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Small: Title Number of Lines

Specify how many rows the product title should require. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Small: Title Line Height

Here you can specify how large the line spacing of the product name should be. This change applies to the "Product Box for 3 Column Grid" component.

Title: Text Color

Choose a font color for the product name. This change applies to all product components.

Title: Custom Family

You can specify a custom font for the product name. This change applies to all product components. You must first store the custom font family in the upper bar under "Fonts".

Title: Font Family

Use a system font for the product name. This change applies to all product components.

Title: Font Weight

Set the font weight of the product title. This change applies to all product components.

Title: Letter Spacing

Select a space between each letter of the product name. This change applies to all product components.


The section is the basic component of your newsletter. You can set different styles for it.

Border Bottom Color

Set the color of the border line below the section.

Border Bottom Style

Choose a style for the border line below the section. You can choose between solid (solid line), dashed (dashed line), dotted (dotted line) and double (double line).

Border Bottom Width

You can define the size or thickness of the lower border line here. It is best to enter a pixel value here.

Border Left Color

Set the color of the border line on the left side of the section.

Border Left Style

Choose a style for the border line on the left side of the section. You can choose between solid, dashed, dotted and double.

Border Left Width

You can define the size or thickness of the left border line here. Enter a pixel value here.

Border Right Color

Set the color of the border line on the left side of the section.

Border Right Style

Choose a style for the border line on the right side of the section. You can choose between solid, dashed, dotted and double.

Border Right Width

You can define the size or thickness of the right frame line here. Enter a pixel value here.

Border Top Color

Set the color of the border line above the section.

Border Top Style

Choose a style for the border line above the section. You can choose between solid, dashed, dotted and double.

Border Top Width

You can define the size or thickness of the upper border line here. Enter a pixel value here.

Left/Right Spacing

In the component settings of the section you can select different spacings on all sides of a section. You can choose between the sizes Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small, Extra Small and define the sizes in the respective settings here.


To separate content, you can use the Separator components. These represent horizonatel line. You can use a total of 3 differently styled separators as well as the components "Separator with Image" and "Separator with Text".


Select a color for each individual separator type. This change applies to all separator components.


Select the style of the line. You can choose between solid, dashed, dotted and double.

Width (in px-Format)

Determine the strength of the individual separators.

Content Width

Here you can define the width in which the content (text or image) should be placed.This setting applies to the components "Separator with Text" and "Separator with Image".

Content Horizontal Spacing

Set a spacing between the lines and the content area on the left and right side.

Width (in %-Format)

A separator can be of different lengths.You can define your own percentage values for the sizes Small, Medium and Large. 50% Width means that the separator is displayed over half the content width. This change applies to all separator components.

Vertical Space

You can specify that spacing should be displayed above and below a separator. For the sizes Small, Medium and Large you can define your own pixel values.This change applies to all separator components.


You can include a slideshow in your newsletter to display multiple images in the form of a gallery.

Arrow (left & rigth)

Arrows allow users to switch between slides. Here you can upload your own arrows by adding them to your media library.

Arrow Width

You can define the size and width of the arrows here. It is best to use pixel values.


Spacers 1-6 define the spacing values that you can select in various component settings. The Vertical Spacers are empty components that can create a space between other components.

Spacer 1-6

Here you can specify up to six different pixel values. You can then select the values in the settings of the individual components. This setting applies to the components Section, Container, Button, Column Container and Column Grid.

Vertical Spacer

This setting refers to the spacer component. You can define and use three different sizes.


With the text editor you can use tables. First you need a section and a text component. You can specify the design of your tables in the Styles menu.

Background Color

Choose a background color for the whole area of the table. The background color is also visible when you use a dotted or dashed border.

Body: Background Color

Choose a background color within the table. This color will be displayed in the cells.

Body: Border Color

Define a color for the frame. The frame will be displayed on all sides and around the cells.

Body: Border Style

You can choose a frame style. The options are dotted line, dashed line, double line and solid line.

Body: Border Width Left/Right

Choose a thickness for all vertical frame lines. Specify a pixel value here.

Body: Border Top/Bottom

Choose a thickness for all horizontal frame lines. Specify a pixel value here.

Body: Cell Height

Here you can define the height of the cells. Specify a pixel value here.

Body: Horizontal Cell Spacing

Within a cell you can specify a horizontal spacing around the text area.

Body: Text Color

Specify a font color for the texts in the individual cells.

Body: Font Size

Give the text in each cell an appropriate font size.

Body: Font Weight

You can give the text in the cells a certain font weight.

Body: Row Highlight Color

As soon as a user clicks into a cell, the corresponding row can appear in a new color. Specify the highlight color here. If you don't want to use this setting, select the same color as the background color.

Body: Letter Spacing

You can select a space between the individual characters in the text of the table here.

Border Color

You can add another frame around the table. Define the frame color here.

Border Style

You can choose a frame style. The options are dotted line, dashed line, double line and solid line.

Border Width Left/Right

Next to the body frame you can add another frame on the left and right side. If you don't need a frame, specify 0px.

Border Width Top/Bottom

Besides the body frame, you can add another frame above and below the frame. If you don't need a frame, specify 0px.

Custom Family

Choose a custom font for the text in the cells. The Custom Font Family must first be stored in the upper bar under "Fonts".

Font Family

Choose a font for the text in the cells. You can choose system fonts here.

Header: Background Color

You can use a horizontal or vertical row as header. To do this, select the desired cells, click on the table icon in the text editor, go to Row Properties and select "Header off" as Row Type. Define a separate background color for the header in the Styles menu.

Header: Border Color

You can build another frame around the header area to make it stand out. Choose a color for the frame lines here.

Header: Border Style

You can choose a frame style. The options are dotted line, dashed line, double line and solid line.

Header: Border Width Left/Right

Specify the thickness of the left and right border lines of the header. Specify a pixel value here.

Header: Border Width Top/Bottom

Specify the thickness of the top and bottom border lines of the header. Specify a pixel value here.

Header: Cell Height

Here you can define the height of the cells in the header. Specify a pixel value here.

Header: Horizontal Cell Spacing

Within a cell in the header you can specify a horizontal spacing around the text area.

Header: Text Color

Set a font color for the text in the header.

Header: Font Size

You can specify a separate font size for the text in the header.

Header: Font Weight

Give the text in the header a font weight.

Header: Letter Spacing

Choose a space between each letter in the text of the header.


Here you style all text elements. You can design the six headlines H1 to H6 according to your wishes. You can also define the design of bar lists here.

Headline: Custom Font Family

Here you can specify a custom font for each individual heading. The custom font family must first be stored in the upper bar under "Fonts".

Headline: Font Family

Select a system font for the respective headline. If you have selected a custom font, you can still select a font here that will now serve as a fallback font.

Headline: Font Size

Set the font size of the individual headlines here.

Headline: Font Weight

Here you can give the headline a font weight. You can enter a numerical value (100 (very thin) to 900 (very thick)) or choose between normal and bold.

Headline: Letter Spacing

A space can be added between the letters. Specify a pixel value here.

Headline: Line Height

Choose a line height for the headlines.

Headline: Margin Bottom

Spacing can be set below the heading. If your heading goes over several lines, the spacing is also set between the lines.

Headline: Font Size (Mobile)

Assign font sizes to the individual headlines. This setting is applied only on the mobile view.

Headline: Letter Spacing (Mobile)

A space can be added between the letters. Specify a pixel value here. This setting is applied only on the mobile view.

Headline: Line Height (Mobile)

Choose a line height for the headings. This setting is applied only on the mobile view.

Headline: Margin Bottom (Mobile)

Spacing can be set below the heading. If your headline goes over several lines, the spacing is also set between the lines. This setting is applied only on the mobile view.

List Item: Custom Family

Here you can select a custom font for the text in the stroke list. The Custom Font Family must first be stored in the upper bar under "Fonts".

List Item: Font Family

If you don't use a Custom Family, this is where you specify a font for the text in the stroke list.

List Item: Font Size

Store a font size for the text in the stroke list.

List Item: Letter Spacing

A space can be added between the letters. Specify a pixel value here.

List Item: Line Height

Choose a line height for the individual bullet points.

List Item: Margin Bottom

Set a specific spacing below each stitch point.

List Item: Font Size (Mobile)

Store a font size for the text in the stroke list. This setting is only applied on the mobile view.

List Item: Letter Spacing (Mobile)

A space can be added between the letters. Specify a pixel value here. This setting is only applied on the mobile view.

List Item: Line Height (Mobile)

Choose a line height for the individual bullet points. This setting is only applied on the mobile view.

List Item: Margin Bottom (Mobile)

Set a specific spacing below each stitch point. This setting is only applied on the mobile view.

Link: Color

As soon as a text is linked using the text editor, it can appear in a different color. You set the font color for linked texts here. If you don't want to use this setting, type inherited in the field.

Link: Color (Hover)

A linked text can appear in a different color as soon as the user hovers over it. Select the hover color here. If you don't want to use this setting, type inherited in the field.

Link: Text Decoration

A linked area can be automatically marked with a bottom line to stand out from the rest of the content. Choose between underline, overline, line-through, and none.

Link: Text Decoration (Hover)

When a user hovers over a linked word, a bottom line can be displayed. Choose between underline, overline, line-through, and none.

Paragraph: Custom Font Family

Here you can specify a custom font for the paragraph (the plain text). The custom font family must first be stored in the upper bar under "Fonts".

Paragraph: Font Family

Select a system font for the paragraph. If you have selected a custom font, you can still select a font here that will now serve as a fallback font.

Paragraph: Font Size

Give the paragraph a font size.

Paragraph: Font Weight

Here you can give the paragraph a font weight. You can enter a numerical value here (100 (very thin) to 900 (very thick)) or choose between normal and bold.

Paragraph: Letter Spacing

A space can be added between the letters. Specify a pixel value here.

Paragraph: Line Height

Choose a line height for the paragraph.

Paragraph: Margin Bottom

Spacing can be set below the paragraph. If the paragraph goes over several lines, the spacing is also set between the lines.

Paragraph: Font Size (Mobile)

Assign a font size to the paragraph. This setting is applied only on the mobile view.

Paragraph: Letter Spacing (Mobile)

A space can be added between the letters. Specify a pixel value here. This setting is applied only on the mobile view.

Paragraph: Line Height (Mobile)

Choose a line height for the paragraph. This setting is applied only on the mobile view.

Paragraph: Margin Bottom (Mobile)

Spacing can be set below the paragraph. If the paragraph goes over several lines, the spacing is also set between the lines. This setting is applied only on the mobile view.

Small: Custom Font Family

Here you can specify a custom font for the inline text. The custom font family must first be stored in the upper bar under "Fonts".

Small: Font Family

Select a system font for the inline text. If you have selected a custom font, you can still select a font here that will now serve as a fallback font.

Small: Font Size

Give the inline text a font size.

Small: Font Weight

Here you can specify a font weight for the inline text. You can enter a numerical value or choose between "normal" and "bold".

Small: Letter Spacing

A space can be added between the letters. Specify a pixel value here.

Small: Line Height

Choose a line height for the inline text.

Small: Margin Bottom

Select a line height for the inline text.spacing can be set below the inline text. If the inline text goes over several lines, the spacing is also set between the lines.

Small: Font Size (Mobile)

Specify a font size for the inline text. This setting is applied only on the mobile view.

Small: Letter Spacing (Mobile)

A space can be added between the letters. Specify a pixel value here. This setting is applied only on the mobile view.

Small: Line Height (Mobile)

Choose a line height for the inline text. This setting is applied only on the mobile view.

Small: Margin Bottom (Mobile)

Spacing can be set below the inline text. If the paragraph goes over several lines, the spacing is also set between the lines. This setting is applied only on the mobile view.

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