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Double-Opt-in Automation
Double-Opt-in Automation

Here you can find out how to create an automated DOI process using the Workflow Builder.

Anni Wild avatar
Written by Anni Wild
Updated over a week ago

The double opt-in procedure is legally binding in Germany. In order for users to subscribe to a newsletter, they must first confirm their registration. You can use the Workflow Builder to create an automated process. This means that a confirmation email is sent directly after the sign-up.

Building a customer journey for the DOI process

Set up workflow

  1. Go to the Automation module via the left sidebar and click on the email list that collects user input.

  2. Click on Actions in the top bar to access the Workflow Builder.

  3. Click on Create action and on Add user to email list.

  4. Add an action; click on Add service and select Send Email.

  5. Select the confirmation email in the right-hand menu and enter a subject line and your sender details.

  6. Create a new field by clicking on Add action and User clicks on Link.

  7. Select Subscribe as the service.

  8. Link both fields together.

A link must now be generated for the user to confirm their registration. You will also receive the link in the Workflow Builder, copy it and paste it into the confirmation email.

Generate Confirmation Link

  1. Click on the field For clicked link.

  2. Under "Link Redirect URL", enter the entire URL of the landing page to which the user will be redirected after confirmation (see step 4).

  3. Click on Save.

  4. A generated link now appears under "Link URL". This is the link that users use to confirm their registration. Please copy it.

  5. Now paste this link into the button of the confirmation email.​

πŸ’‘ This customer journey shows: As soon as a new user is added to the email list (when an item is created), a confirmation email is sent. At this point, the user is added to the list but still has the status "Unsubscribed". If he now clicks on the link generated in the e-mail, his status changes to "Subscribed".

πŸ”Ž You can learn how to map the entire DOI process (creation of the registration form and confirmation email, landing pages and email list) in JUNE here.

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