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Custom Shop Integration

Link your individual store system with JUNE to synchronize relevant data

Niclas Mai avatar
Written by Niclas Mai
Updated over 9 months ago

Follow the steps below to integrate your individual store system into JUNE. This way you can exchange data and use all the features of JUNE.

Incoming data is processed in JUNE Automation and transferred to the JUNE Customer Data Platform.

We offer plug-and-play solutions for the following store systems:

E-Commerce Data

In order to transfer e-commerce data, the data from your store system must be transferred to our JUNE RestAPI:

Customer Data Update

Use the following payload to enter or update customer data.

Method: POST

"id": <string>,
"email": <string>,
"customer": {
"firstname": <string>,
"lastname": <string>,
"store_id": <string>,
"locale": <string>,
"geo_location": {
"city": <string>,
"country": <string>
"guest": <boolean>


"id": "989b2165281d7ff9302887fd2d9f9580",
"email": "",
"customer": {
"firstname": "William",
"lastname": "Taylor",
"store_id": "4c87afc269af469cae2478e3f4c95fab",
"locale": "en-GB",
"geo_location": {
"city": "London",
"country": "United Kingdom"
"guest": false

Required or optional data?

  • Customer ID: optional

  • Customer Email: required if ID has not been set

  • Customer Info

    • First Name: optional

    • Last Name: optional

    • Store ID: optional

    • Locale: optional

    • Geo Location

      • City: optional

      • Country: optional

  • Guest: will be set to “false”, if no data is given

Order Created

Use the following payload to enter or update incoming orders.

Method: POST

"id": <string>,
"email": <string>,
"order": {
"id": <String>,
"created_at": <String (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ)>,
"total": <Number>,
"shipping": <Number>,
"voucher": <String>,
"products": [ <Array>
"id": <String>,
"name": <String>,
"image": <String (URL)>,
"qty": <Number>,
"price": <Number>,
"category": [ <Array>
<String 1>,
<String 2>,
<String 3>
"link": <String (URL)>


"id": "989b2165281d7ff9302887fd2d9f9580",
"email": "",
"order": {
"id": "96b0ac4b3ef2486ddsf6c0d34",
"created_at": "2023-10-05T16:47:21+00:00",
"total": 99.99,
"shipping": 0,
"voucher": 0,
"products": [
"id": "26b0ac4b3ef2486d976c0d57",
"name": "Summer Shirt Men",
"image": "",
"qty": 1,
"price": 19.99,
"category": [
"Catalogue #1",
"link": ""

Required or optional data?

  • Customer ID: required

  • Customer Email: required if the ID has not yet been set

  • Order ID: required

  • Created At: required

  • Total: required

  • Shipping: optional

  • Voucher: optional

  • Products

    • Product ID: required

    • Name: required

    • Image: optional

    • Quantity (Qty): required

    • Price: required

    • Category: optional

    • Link: required

Fulfillment Update

Use the following payload to enter or update deliveries.

Method: POST

"id": <string>,
"email": <string>,
"fulfillment": {
"id": <String>,
"created_at": <String (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ)>,
"total": <Number>,
"shipping": <Number>,
"voucher": <String>,
"tracking_code": <String>,
"products": [ <Array>
"id": <String>,
"name": <String>,
"image": <String (URL)>,
"qty": <Number>,
"price": <Number>,
"category": [ <Array>
<String 1>,
<String 2>,
<String 3>
"link": <String (URL)>


"id": "989b2165281d7ff9302887fd2d9f9580",
"email": "",
"fulfillment": {
"id": "96b0ac4b3ef2486ddsf6c0d34",
"created_at": "2023-10-05T16:47:21+00:00",
"total": 19.99,
"shipping": 0,
"voucher": 0,
"tracking_code": "",
"products": [
"id": "26b0ac4b3ef2486d976c0d57",
"name": "Summer Shirt Men",
"image": "",
"qty": 1,
"price": 19.99,
"category": [
"Catalogue #1",
"link": ""

The order must already be available in the system before fulfillment can be maintained.

Required or optional data?

  • Customer ID: required

  • Customer Email: required if the ID has not yet been set

  • Order ID: required

  • Created At: required

  • Total: required

  • Shipping: optional

  • Voucher: optional

  • Tracking Code: optional

  • Products

    • Product ID: required

    • Name: required

    • Image: optional

    • Quantity (Qty): required

    • Price: required

    • Category: optional

    • Link: required

Cart Update

Use the following payload to enter or update current shopping cart statuses. This data can then be used, among other things, to set up automated processes to send customers an email (e.g. abandoned shopping carts).

Method: POST

"id": <string>,
"email": <string>,
"cart": {
"action": "update",
"products": [ <Array>
"id": <String>,
"name": <String>,
"image": <String (URL)>,
"link": <String (URL)>,
"qty": <Number>,
"price": <Number>,
"category": [ <Array>
<String 1>,
<String 2>


"id": "989b2165281d7ff9302887fd2d9f9580",
"email": "",
"cart": {
"action": "update",
"products": [
"id": "26b0ac4b3ef2486d976c0d575075734b",
"name": "Summer Shirt Men",
"image": "",
"link": "",
"qty": 1,
"price": 19.99,
"category": [
"Catalogue #1",

This payload transfers the current shopping cart to JUNE. This data can then be used to set up automated processes, for example, to send customers an e-mail (e.g., canceled shopping carts).

Required or optional data?

  • Customer ID: required

  • Customer Email: required if the ID has not yet been set

  • Action: required

  • Products

    • Product ID: required

    • Name: required

    • Image: optional

    • Quantity (Qty): required

    • Price: required

    • Category: optional

    • Link: required

Create A Token

To create a token in JUNE, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to your e-commerce list by navigating to Automation from the left menu bar.

  2. Now select the desired list.

  3. Select E-Commerce Settings from the top menu bar.

  4. Click on the Add Provider button, select Custom and confirm your selection.

  5. In the next step, you will see the token, which you can now copy.

🧑‍💻 Contact & Support

Do you need help setting up an integration? Our developers are happy to help. Book your call here.

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