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Keep track of how your campaigns are performing and constantly optimize them.

Hannah Krüger avatar
Written by Hannah Krüger
Updated over a week ago

You can create numerous widgets in the dashboard. They track the performance of your campaigns allowing you to always keep track of how successful your email marketing is. The statistics are always displayed in real time.

The Widgets


All openings of a campaign are tracked here. If a user opens the campaign several times, the repetitions are counted.

Unique openings

This is the number of all users who open the campaign.


Tracks the number of all clicks in the campaign.

Unique Clicks

This is the total number of subscribers who have clicked on a link in the campaign. It does not count how many times each subscriber has clicked on a link.

Clicked Links

This widget shows how often each link has been clicked.


Here you can see how many subscribers have unsubscribed from the campaign.


Tracks the soft and hard bounces. Find out what bounces are here.

Spam Marks

Shows how often your campaign was placed in the spam orders of subscribers.


Lists the email clients that your subscribers use to open your campaign.

Operating Systems

Here, you can see which operating systems your users use to open your campaign.


The devices used to interact with your emails are listed here.


Here, you can see in which cities your subscribers who open your emails are located.

List Development

View the total number of subscribers, subscriptions and unsubscriptions to a list over a certain period of time.

Comparative Data

Compare different types of metrics. For example, clicks in relation to opens.

Segmented: Clicked Links

If you have sent your email list to different segments, you can see here how often which links were clicked per segment.

Segmented: Individual Links by Segment

Compare which links were clicked most frequently in a specific campaign and in a specific segment.

Segmented: Segmented Unique Clicks

If you have sent your email list to different segments, you can see here how often the respective segments have interacted with your campaign.

Segmented: Segmented Unique Opens

If you have sent your email list to different segments, you can see here how often the respective segments have opened your campaign.

Create Widgets

You can freely design the dashboard according to your needs and requirements. Select the widgets that are relevant for your follow-up.

  1. Go to the Dashboard in the left sidebar.

  2. Click on Add Widgets.

  3. A menu with three steps opens.

  4. Under General, you can add a name and description to the widget. Select a category here:

    1. Campaign: This category contains all widgets that are important for analyzing email campaigns.

    2. Commerce: This category contains all relevant widgets for analyzing your linked online store.

    3. Document: Show a selection of documents from the current project.

    4. General: Select this category to display general information in the dashboard, such as all new product updates.

  5. Now define your suitable widget under Data. The individual widgets can be selected under Source. Specify under Type how the data should be displayed. For example, it can be displayed as a pie chart (Pie), bar chart (Bar) or line chart (Linechart).

  6. In the last step, Filter, you specify which email list and campaign the widget should refer to and which time frame should be analyzed.

  7. Then click on Submit.

Adding a New Dashboard

It is possible to create multiple dashboards with different widgets.

  1. Go to the Dashboard in the left sidebar.

  2. Click on the three dots in the right-hand corner.

  3. Click on Add Dashboard.

  4. Name your dashboard and add an optional description.

  5. You can switch between the dashboards in the top bar.

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